I'm organizing, A fishing expedition to Tahiti and the Tuamotu Islands for the entire month of June this. My son and I will be following in the footsteps of Zane Gray, and his brother Romer almost 100 years ago, when they sailed these waters in pursuit of giant black marlin!
The adventurer in me will not die; and so it is that this year in June I Will be traveling with my son Noah.
While I will be following in Zane's footsteps, I have no interest in the big Marlin Which Zane Gray pursued. We will be angling for Bone Fish, giant Trav, and the exotic and huge milkfish, and other exotic species found on the flats of the Tuamotus
I was told a story once about a time (in the 1920s,), Zane Gray sailed, his fishing yacht, the Alma G II into a small island in the Tuamotus for the night, having exhausted his big Marlin Baits.
He asked the locals to find him some large, shiny fish that he could use as Marlin Baits.
The next morning he found his dinghy filled with large Bone Fish!
That's the story I was told, and few anglers have ventured to these exotic shores since, and I'm hoping that we will be successful in finding all of these species and more.
The Tuamotu feature a very sparse population, and a myriad of dozens and dozens of islands.
If you have any knowledge of these islands, or have seen any interesting articles written about light tackle fishing there, I would love to hear from you.
I'm also looking for any sponsors that might help us with the expenses of this dramatic expedition. I will be happy to share every bit of data we collect on this fishing journey including details of each island, photos of each fish and contacts of any local guides which might be of service to future Anglers with those sponsors!
I look forward to hearing from you
Jack Pittard